Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Torch Passed to Obama

Monday night D. Sen. Ted Kennedy passed the torch of Democratic leadership to presidential candidate Barack Obama, as the senator's wife opened the party's National Convention with a moving speech to America about her husband, who is strong enough to lead a nation, and tender enough to display the "affirming embrace of a father's love."

In a night of cautiously written pageantry and sentimental tribute, Democrats opened their quadrennial event, still seeking unity, that has remained elusive since the bitter primary battle between Sen. Barack Obama, and his former rival Hillary Clinton.

The task of curing the party's rifts fell to the Democrat's ailing iconic figure, who gave his familiar lion's roar notwithstanding weeks of treatment for a brain tumor. And Michelle Obama, a loving wife and mother who intends to be America's next first lady.

"We want our children, and all children in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements, is the reach of your dreams, and your willingness to work for them," she said.

Making a speech before her, Sen. Kennedy received ecstatic cheers as he proclaimed that, "The torch will be passed again to a new generation of Americans, the dream lives on."

On the campaign trail, Sen. Obama downplayed any disagreement between Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, who will speak later in the week. "We don't have a moment to lose or a vote to spare," Sen. Clinton urged America, in her speech on Tuesday evening.

Senior advisor Ms. Jarrett, said the team is not worried that Mr. Obama's once solid lead has slowly evaporated, and most polls show him tied with the Arizona senator, John McCain.

"If we were to pay attention to the national polls, Barack would have dropped out last summer," Said Ms. Jarrett, referencing to Clinton's inescapable front-runner status last year.

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