There are few things that can ruin the looks of your car and a dent is one of them. Reporting the incident to the insurance company will definitely increase the rates. Having a dented car is definitely not fun and repairing them at the local body shop can indeed be very expensive. Another issue of travelling without transportation is also present when the repairing is being done. Luckily, there are some methods that can be tried at home that are not very expensive and are fairly easy. Follow the fairly simple DIY methods.
Tools and Things Needed
- Plunger
- Rubber Hammer
- Air Duster
- Dry Ice
- Hairdryer
- Torch
Method 1:
First, use a plunger to suck out the dents. This method is an old and reliable. The plunger has to be placed on the center of the dent and then pushed in, this is just similar method for a blocked toilet. This will often not work in the first attempt so continue. This particular method is good for smaller dents and those dents where it is somehow impossible to get behind. However there is no guarantee in this method whether the paint will be saved. The plunger option is recommended if your budget is low for spending on this project.
Method 2:
Dry ice can be used, it is a pretty cheap and available easily. Simply place the block of ice on top of the dented area and the ice will slowly pull out the dent. The process has to be repeated until the dent finally vanishes. Make sure that you are wearing protective gear like hand gloves because this ice is hazardous and can severely burn the skin. The paint will usually not get damaged by this method.
Method 3:
Tackle the dent using household items. Using a hair dryer is another method, heat the dented area for about a minute and then quickly spray the whole area using an air duster. The hot and cold combination will create a type if suction and the dent will pop out within a few minutes. There will be minimal damage to the paint job.
Method 4:
A hammer can also be used to bang the dent out. You would have to reach behind the dent. The metal gets stretched by denting so it is best for softening the metal before the hammer is used. The area will not look right if the metal is not softened. In case of a chrome surface, an acetylene torch can be used for eating the area. Don't make the metal very hot. When the area is heated the dent can be lightly bumped out from the other side. Once the dent is recovered, place a cloth that is soaked in ice water to help it cool down the surface. It is better to use a rubber mallet rather than using a metal hammer because it will have a gentle effect to the car.
DIY methods are usually more economical than sending a car to the professionals. Hopefully they will help to solve the problem.
Tips and Precautions
- Always wear protective gear like eye goggles, gloves and a breathing mask when using chemicals.
- Some dents contain scratches and the paint needs to be recovered. If there is damage on the paint then conventional car sprayers can be used. These are easily available in the market depending of the color of the car. High definition DJ Headphones Hottest Deals Outlet Online