"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own."
Ben Sweetland
I can't begin to express to you the enormous personal benefits I've gained from this journey of teaching my own children. The scholastic treasures the children received were quite simply the first fruits reaped from such an endeavor but for my own edification - it has set into motion a process of evolution that I didn't (or couldn't) perceive from the inception.
Acceleration isn't just a process of getting your children to skip grade levels; it is merely a by-product. The essence of acceleration is inspiring children to tap into that part of themselves that enables them to learn/live from their true levels of being! In other words, abdicating all of the conditioning imposed by institutions or limited ways of thinking.
It is the act of embodying a sense of freedom many of us never really knew we had lost. We're only made consciously aware of its absence when we are no longer the joyful beings we once were.
Each time I prepared a lesson/concept for my children to learn, I always did so remembering who my children were and where they were academically.
The affirmation expressed verbally or subliminally was to seek YOUR level in all things and give YOUR best to the pursuit. As I taught them, the message found its way into my very being. Naturally, the next logical step for me was to follow a path that allowed me to acknowledge a talent that I could share with the world.
As you expect and elicit the "best" from your children - think of ways or areas in your life where you can apply the same admonition.
o Could this time of economic recession present an opportunity to upgrade a personal hobby into a small business?
o Is there a personal trait that could use improvement - an attribute that might benefit more from higher precepts of spirituality or self-improvement techniques? (i.e. quick to anger, jealousy, anxiety, etc.)
o Ever had a desire to pen a book or an article? Try writing one and submit it to an internet article directory like EZine.com. I've found major success with it.
o Is there a toxic relationship in your life that needs an honest conversation; or perhaps ending it to make room for the caliber of people you really want to befriend?
All of these are just examples of "brighten paths". If these don't seem to ring a bell for you then think about an ultimate personal goal or objective and conjure a small act that you can accomplish RIGHT NOW as a stepping stone to your bigger goal. Before you know it, the next act will come to mind easily and notice how more readily prepared you will be to conquer it.
You will be surprise of how these little baby steps impact your self-confidence. Soon you'll look up and that particular ultimate personal goal will be within reach. Then you too, right along with your children, will have prospered from the essence of acceleration.