Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Love Handles Exercise

My favorite exercise for love handles is the figure 8. Never heard about it? It's performed with a kettlebell. Never heard of that either? Well, let me tell you.

A kettlebell looks like a cannonball with a handle. It has been a staple of the traditional Russian exercise routine for hundreds of years. Because of its unique design it is actually much more versatile than barbells or dumbbells. While the exercise variations you can do with a barbell or dumbbell are limited there are literally hundreds if not thousands of different exercise variations you can do with a kettlebell.

To do the figure 8 simply stand up straight with your legs spread slightly with a kettlebell between your feet. Bend down and pass the KB backward through your legs to the other hand. Now, stand up and raise the KB to your chest briefly and then squat down and pass the KB to the other hand, repeating the basic motion again.

This will work, not only your oblique muscles, but your abs in general. The major problem with ab exercises in general such as sit ups and crunches is that they do not burn many calories and this is what most people need to do. When you use a KB there is an added cardiovascular element introduced to the workout and you can actually burn up to 20 calories per minute.

If you haven't used a KB before you will find it hard to believe that swinging it around can do anything at all let alone burn that many calories so quickly. But, I have read accounts of people losing as much as 100 pounds in a year using a KB.

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