I have been squidooing for a couple of years now and I have realized that there is a common trait between all the top lensmasters. They seem to possess very similar qualities which drive their success on Squidoo. So I asked myself this question - What are the top 5 qualities that one must have to enjoy Success on Squidoo? This is what I came up with.
If there's one thing that is the most common attribute I have found is that the top lensmasters are extremely passionate about their cause and this passion shows in their lensmaking. If you are passionate about any topic, you will never struggle to finds words to describe your feeling.
To be successful on Squidoo you must have a belief in your own abilities. If you believe that you can be the best around here, your belief will manifest into beautiful lenses which will be appreciated by all the others. You need to believe that you have the skills and courage to learn and do what it takes to be an excellent lensmaster. Believe in your self and the world will believe in you.
To be successful on Squidoo, you will need to be curious. You must be curious enough to look at all the modules on Squidoo and see what they offer. You must be curious enough to study the top lenses and lensmasters on Squidoo and see what they are doing right. You must be curious enough to keep learning, keep improving and keep getting better and better and better. The day you stop being curious, you may stagnate. Curiosity may have killed the cat but it would do you a world of good on Squidoo.
Social Skills
It's hard to imagine that in this world where people spend most of their waking hours in front of their computer screen, people are being more social today than ever before. Squidoo is just the same. It's not just a site but it's a community and the more social you are, you will meet many a helpful lensmaster, who would be more than willing to assist you or answer your query. Become a part of the Squidoo community. Be Social. Be Nice and the world will be nicer to you.
I have saved the best for last. If you really want to be successful on Squidoo, you will need to be really patient. Squidoo is not a get rich quick scheme. In fact there are really no get rich quick schemes in the world. You will have to put in hours of effort and wait for the seeds that you have planted to grow into a full-grown tree. It takes time, but it is worth the effort. That lens which started out with a lensrank of 800,000, if nurtured well, will soon grow into a Tier 3, Tier 2 and eventually a Tier 1 lens. But this may take a couple of months at least. Heck it may even make it to the top 100. You will have to let Squidoo take its own course. Of course, by all means, do your bit to promote your lens and take it to the top as fast as you can. However, at the same time, be cool, don't lose your patience. The seeds that you have sown will eventually bear fruit.
So there you have it - My Top 5 qualities to be successful on Squidoo.