Kettlebells are all the rage now-a-days. When I was first introduced to kettlebells I was intrigued but I also thought to myself, "what's the big deal?" After all, it was only an iron ball with a handle. What makes it so different from a dumbbell?
Then after noticing the results I got from kettlebell training, I became a believer. Kettlebell training seems to "torch the fat" right off your body. Not only that, with kettlebells I could get a more complete workout in 10 minutes than in an hour of traditional weight training.
It's no surprise to me that so many of my clients want to start using kettlebells. Who wouldn't want to torch the fat off their body? That being said, I think they can be dangerous. If you're going to be swinging 45 pound iron balls over your head (or even a 5 pound iron ball) your body better be ready for it! You need to develop flawless technique as well as perfect exercise technique before you even lay your hands on your first kettlebell.
Client safety and convenience is what inspired me to design this simple workout, using the same principles of kettlebell training, with a safer, more versatile, more convenient, and yes...cheaper alternative, the resistance band.
Before I explain this simple (yet exhausting) workout, I want to explain why kettlebell training is such an effective way to shred the fat off your body.
1) Each exercise uses you entire body.
2) Each movement requires you to use explosive power.
The result of these 2're burning more calories and building more lean, muscle with 20 minutes of kettlebell training than you would if you spent an hour on the treadmill!
That being said, a proper warm-up, cool down, and exercise technique is absolutely essential if you want to avoid injury!
Specifically, you'll want to warm-up for at least 10 minutes doing full-body cardio exercises as well as some core exercises. Here's a suggestion for a warm-up circuit. Do each of these exercises for 30 seconds:
Jumping jacks
High knees pumping your arms
2-arm snatches with no weight
mountain climbers
YTAs on 1 foot
Pushups with rotation
Plank Rows
Body weight squats
Then repeat the circuit...or just do your favorite 4, 5 times each. What's important is that you're completely warmed up before you attempt the "Human Torch Circuit."
Now you're ready to begin. If you're a total maniac, in excellent shape, you can do this circuit 5 times, doing each set for a minute, omitting the recovery sets, for a total of 30 minutes. For most people, I'd suggest doing each exercise for 30 seconds, mixing in 30 seconds of a recovery exercise after every 2 sets of "Human Torch" exercises, like this:
1) Snatch (alternating arms)- This is a kettlebell classic! You should have both of your feet on the band while holding an end of the band with each of your hands (you hold the band like this for all of the "human torch" exercises). Get in a low squat with your arms extended towards the floor. With a one, explosive movement, you want to be standing up straight with your left hand, holding the band straight up over your head. The repeat with your right hand, alternating until time is up. Tip: Use the power of your glutes and legs to create the momentum to swing your arm over your head.
2) Squat/press (alternating arms)- Get in a low squat and hold each end of the band at your shoulders. With one, explosive movement, stand up and press the band over your head with your left hand. Do this exercises non-stop, alternating arms until the time is up.
3) Jumping jacks (or any other warm-up exercise)
4) Waist uppercuts (alternating arms) - It's just like a boxer's uppercut except you start with the band at your waist like you are about to do a bicep curl. When you finish your arm should be extended over your head with the back of your fist facing away from you. Again, use the power of your legs to create the momentum you need to extend your arm over your head.
5) Squat to upright rows (using both arms at once) - Get in a low squat like you are about to do a snatch, but this time when you stand up, pull both side of the band up to your armpits. Repeat until time is up.
6) 2-arm snatch with no resistance (or any other warm-up exercise)
7) Lunge/knee/arm swing (left lunge)- Standing on the band with your left foot, bring your right foot back as you lunge down. Then bring your right knee up while at the same time keeping your arms straight, stretch the band forward with your left hand and backwards with your right hand (working your front and rear shoulder muscles). Repeat this exercise until time is up.
8) Lunge/knee/arm swing (right lunge)- Do the mirror image of #7
9) High knees while pumping your arms (or any other warm-up exercises)
Repeat the circuit 5 times for a total of 22 ½ minutes of non-stop action. Then don't forget to stretch every muscle in your body!
This workout is simple, but intense....Good luck!